Westchester Resources
NY State Dept of Education – High School Equivalency (HSE)
Information about 4 pathways to earn a High School equivalency diploma.
Eligible for NYS residents
NY State Dept of Education – Foster Youth College Success initiative (FYCSI)
Program established specifically for students who have experienced foster care or are orphaned. FYCSI funding can be used towards supporting the cost of attending college, including housing and meals.
Eligible for foster and orphaned youth
Rezvan Foundation
Supports the academic pursuits of exceptionally talented young students who grew up orphaned or in foster care.
Eligible for foster or orphaned youth, US resident, enrolled in an accredited HS, GPA of 3.5 or higher, submitted applications to 1 or more four year accredited university, no academic or criminal disciplinary record.
NYU Community College Transfer Opportunity Program (CCTOP)
An assistance and scholarship program for students interested in transferring from partnership community colleges into NYU.
Eligible if enrolled at Community College in partnership with NYU, must be nominated by community college faculty member or administrator, 3.0 GPA.
NY State Higher Education Services Corporation
Step-by-step planning tips to prepare for higher education. Tools, resources, and financial support for people in special circumstances such as youth in care, military, adult/returning, and transferring.
Eligible for NYS residents
Employment Assistance
Grow Your Own at Kennedy Children’s Center
6 week training program to become a NY State certified Teacher Assistant and help with job placement services to find a suitable position at early childhood providers throughout the city.
Eligible for HS graduate, at least 18 years old, legally eligible to work in US, pass NYC DOH background check, English proficient or able to pass ELA exam, apply on-line.
Job Corps, US Department of Labor
Free career training and education in 120 campuses across the country free of charge to low income 16 to 24 year old young adults.
Complete application to get started.
Westchester County – One Stop Employment Center
Offers a variety of workshops including resume writing, interview techniques, computer skills, and much more.
Eligible to Westchester Residents
Employment and Training Administration, US Dept of Labor
Information about programs such as CareerOneStop, Apprenticeship Finder, Grants, and Resources for Veterans.
Eligible for US Residents
Health and Wellness
FosterClub – Healthcare for Former Foster Youth
Health insurance and care information for youth who age out of the foster care system from ages 18 through 26. The are no income requirements for former foster youth. If age out of care in NY you do not need to apply. If did not age out of care in NY, need to apply for Medicaid online or by phone.
Eligible for former foster care young adults age 18 through 26.
Medicaid: (800) 541-2831
Medicaid assistance for low income New Yorkers. Informs about eligibility and available health care options.
NYC: (718) 557-1399
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Services to help with health related issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, or drug and alcohol use.
Eligible for US residents
National Alliance on Mental Illness Westchester
Westchester Crisis & Prevention Response Team provides help with mental health and substance use.
NY State Office of Addiction Services and Support
Resources to help with alcohol, drug, and gambling issues.
The Care Coalition
List of organizations and contacts to help with alcohol and drug addiction.
NY State Department of Health, Insurance Marketplace
Health insurance options available through the individual marketplace.
Eligible for NYS Residents
NY State Office of Mental Health
Find a mental health service provider with focus on hope and recovery for adults with serious mental illnesses and children with emotional disturbances. Provides a directory of mental health facilities within the state.
Eligible for NYS Residents
Suicide Prevention: 988
NYS Domestic Violence: (800) 942-6906
Crisis Text Got5 to 741-741
Legal Services
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Free, high quality counsel in civil matters where basic human needs are at stake for low income individuals and families who cannot afford an attorney.
Rockland, Putnam, Westchester residents
Connections Mentor
Supportive mentoring relationships for young people who have or had contact with child welfare or juvenile justice systems in NYC and Westchester. Individuals are matched with mentors based on mutual interests, strengths, and needs for a minimum of a year.
Complete on-line form to get started.
Connections Mentor Inc, PO Box 361, NY, NY 10033
Parenting/Family Support
Westchester Day Care Services
Financial help with day care payments for eligible families.
Eligible for Westchester residents, complete on-line form to get started.
Child Care Council of Westchester
Assistance in finding suitable child care options.
Westchester Diaper Bank
Families can apply for a week’s supply of diapers and wipes 3 times per year per child. Families do not need to be an existing DSS client.
Bundles of Joy New York
Provides Westchester parents and children with new and nearly new essentials from birth through 12 years.
Social Services
Westchester County Department of Social Services
Services available to Westchester residents in need of help in areas of food, housing, medical, employment, and home energy costs.
Westchester residency proof, apply in district office serving area as defined by town and zip code.
SupplEmental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Federally funded program that issues electronic benefits to help low income families and individuals purchase food. Apply online or in person at local department of social services or NYC SNAP Center.
Income based, apply online
Sherlock Holmes Foundation
Provides housing, employment opportunities, and a loving support system for LGBTQ+ young adults to learn about responsibility, life’s skills, independence, and self love.
Eligible for LGBTQ+ young homeless adults
Child Welfare Information Gateway – Resources for Youth Transitioning to Adulthood
Resources that can be used to learn about life skills, education, employment, finance, and other information to assist with transition out of foster care to independence. Outlines 21 steps to prepare for transition out of care that includes building a transition plan, securing a place to live, opening a bank account, health care coverage and more.
United Way of Westchester and Putnam
Works in partnership with non-profit community organizations and provides direct services for those who need service referrals.
Eligible for Putnam and Westchester residents
National Domestic Hotline
Confidential assistance in 200+ languages. Directory of assistance providers by state and legal assistance.
NY State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Confidential 24/7 support in most languages. An advocate will help to empower and discuss options for help, financial assistance, and safety. A map that contains domestic violence programs by county.
Text: 844-997-2121